Welcome To Mr Clean Gully Bowsers!

Get Your Blocked
Toilet Cleaned!

We Can Clean It Up!

Domestic Sewage
Tank Cleaning.

Is Your tanks running out of space?

Septic Tank Installation

We are well-equipped with all necessities required to install a strong and enduring septic tank.

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Best And Quality Service

We as Mr Clean Gully Bowsers Giving a Quality And the Best Service To You

24/7 Fast Service

We will soon be in touch with you and come visit at your convenience, to provide our expertise on the condition of your septic solution.

Emergency Calls 24/7

+94 11 365 8888

What We Do

We at Mr. Clean Gully Bowser is a advanced septic solution provider that take care of all your related requirements from installation to management. With a decade over experience.

ම්ස්ට ක්ලින් ගලි බ්වුසර් සේවාව ලංකාවේ සනීපාරක්ෂක සේවා සපයමින් ඔබගේ පාරිසරික පහසුකම් සපයන ආයතනයකි .අප ගෘහස්ථ ,කර්මාන්ත ,වානිජ ,ගලි සේවා කටයුතු සපයයි. සෙප්ටික් වැසිකිලි ටැංකි ,ගලි බව්සර් මගින් මල අපද්‍රව්‍ය රැගෙන යාම, අපිරිසුදු ජල ප්‍රවාහනය අපිරිසුදු වලවල් ,කානු ජලය ඉවත්කිරීම ,ඉදිකිරීම් හා,වැඩබිම් වල ජලය ඉවත්කිරීම ,ප්‍රවාහනය ,නාන තටාක ,ප්ලාන්ට් වල ජලය ඉවත්කර රැගෙනයාම සිදුකරනු ලබයි.


Domestic sewage tank cleaning

Is your tank is running out of space? give us to silve the problem.


Domestic sewage management consultancy

Mr Clean Gully Bowsers has over 25 years’ experience in domestic sewage treatment.


Septic tank installation

If you live in a rural area or are planning on building a new home in the countryside, you may need a septic system.


Emergency removal of sewage blocks

Blockages in pipes can be nasty, stopping waste from leaving your property.


Periodic maintenance of treatment plants

We provide contract maintenance and inspection service on behalf of the customer and for the long-term stable operation of the facility.


Industrial wastewater management​​

Mr Clean provides a complete range of solutions and services for industrial wastewater treatment

Why Choose Us

Our Tanker administration gives the ideal solution to the removal of waste from sewage or surface water pits or chambers.Waste eliminated from these ravines is then shipped to an enrolled waste administration site for right removal.

Expert Engineers

We Have the Experts

Experience Skills

Mr Clean Has 25 Years Experience.

Guarantee Service

We Give Most Guaranteed And the Best Quality Service.

24/7 Service

Contact Us on Any Time We Give Our Service For You.

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+94 11 365 8888
+94 70 365 8888

CALL US FOR MORE INFORMATION Eamail . info@mrcleangullybowser.com